LupineCare Deck
Pitch Deck | Complete
Deck design for a consumer startup focused on caregiving for aging loved ones
Lupine Care is an early-stage startup that aims to support and empower millennial caregivers who are just beginning to care for their aging parents. The startup recognized this demographic's unique challenges and fears and set out to create a comprehensive offering that addresses their needs.
Alongside the MVP mobile app design, I designed + built their pitch deck to secure venture capital. This deck has helped facilitate conversations with angels and institutional investors, securing capital to get the startup’s idea going.

As the company gains funding, the founders will partner with a mobile app development company to bring their vision to life. The development process will involve close collaboration between the startup team, caregiving experts, and the app developers. Key milestones include:
User research and persona development to deeply understand millennial caregivers' needs, fears, and preferences.
Content creation and curation involving experts in caregiving, legal, financial, and mental health fields.
UI/UX design to ensure a user-friendly, intuitive, and visually appealing interface.
App development, testing, and launch on iOS and Android platforms.
Marketing and partnerships with caregiver organizations, healthcare providers, and employers to reach the target audience.